Problem: When startups need to transfer data between themselves and other parties, the question arises: do we build this functionality into our app, or do we just share a CSV? It takes far less time to do the latter, but this requires your eng team to stand up and maintain data pipelines — or, you get stuck with a ton of manual copy & paste.

How Bracket helps: Instead of custom data ingestions or time-consuming copy & paste, you can use Bracket to set up quick syncs between a third-party-facing data table and your DB. Here are some examples:

  1. As a SaaS startup, create an MVP onboarding form using Airtable forms, collect the data in Airtable, and sync it over to your DB using Bracket.
  2. As a logistics startup, collaborate on orders & fulfillment data with your third-party vendors by syncing orders data into a Google Sheet shared with the vendor. The vendor updates order statuses directly in the Sheet.
  3. As an edtech startup, assign new students to your contracted mentors by syncing students to a shared Airtable, where the mentors can then document their students’ progress and performance. Sync that performance data back to your backend, where you can show it to your students through your app.