
Bracket lets you connect CRMs and databases for two-way or one-way syncs. In this guide, we’ll talk through how to get everything connected in a few quick steps.

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1. Prepare your data sources for the sync

The prerequisites for a successful sync are:

  1. Both data sources are set up (i.e., Bracket does not host on your behalf)
  2. The secondary data source is empty of data.
Note that if Postgres is your secondary source, you do not need to have a table created before setting up your sync - Bracket can generate it for you.

2. Create an account on our web app

Bracket web app

Set up your syncs here

3. Enter connection details for each data source

On the web app, you’ll need to enter certain connection details to get syncs running. See below for a summary of what information you’ll need.

Data sourceWhat you’ll need
PostgresConnection string URI
SalesforceA valid Salesforce account
HubspotA valid Hubspot account
AirtableAn existing Airtable base
MySQLConnection string URI
DynamoDBAccess key, secret access key, and region
MongoDBConnection string URI
Google SheetsAn existing Google Sheet

4. Review the fields to be synced and choose sync direction

On this page, you can remove any fields that you do not want synced. While Bracket auto-maps fields based on field names, you can also adjust the mapping as needed.

5. Name your sync and choose sync frequency.

6. Initiate sync

When you create your sync, your primary source will automatically seed the secondary source if the secondary source is empty of data.

If the secondary data source is already populated, the seed will fail. However, we strongly recommend clearing the secondary source before trying to run another sync job, otherwise you may duplicate data.

After that initial seed, to make sure the sync will work as expected, click “Test run,” then refresh the page to see the result of the test.

Then, click “Run once” or toggle the sync to Active to begin the sync. Refresh the page to verify that a sync job has been scheduled.