Step-by-step guide

  1. Set up a Postgres database with any hosting provider. Supabase is our favorite, but you can choose anybody you like.
  2. Sign into Bracket
  3. Set up your primary source, and select Postgres as your secondary source.
  4. Select “I want Bracket to generate the table for me,” name your table (or use the suggested name), and click “Continue”

Some things to keep in mind

  • Bracket standardizes the field names from your primary source into snake case to make your field names Postgres-friendly.
  • Bracket automatically creates a primary key field called bracket_pkey, which takes on a UUIDv4 value.
  • Bracket also automatically creates a datetime field called bracket_updated_at, which takes on the datetime at which a record is created or updated, whichever is more recent. Bracket uses this field to make syncing real-time when using the polling sync method.
  • Finally, Bracket creates a Postgres function called bracket_update_timestamp(), which gets applied to bracket_updated_at.