Creating your connection URI

  1. Gather the following details for a user on your Postgres database:

    1. username (often postgres)
    2. password
    3. host
    4. port
    5. database
    6. schema
    7. table name
If you are starting with a full connection URI string, it should follow the format below:
Postgres Connection URI
  1. Enter the details above to the web app at

Assigning user permissions

For Bracket to be able to be able to generate Postgres tables from other primary sources, we require the following permissions, which can be assigned via SQL.

Database-level permissions
GRANT CONNECT, CREATE ON DATABASE [your_database] TO [bracket_username];
Schema-level permissions
GRANT USAGE, CREATE, ALTER, REFERENCES ON SCHEMA [your_schema] TO [bracket_username];

For Bracket to be able to sync with an existing Postgres table, we require the following permissions:

Schema-level permissions

Optional: Creating a read only user on your database

Perform this step if you would like to give Bracket access through a dedicated account. Skip this step if you prefer to use an existing Postgres account during setup.
  1. Create a new user and password
Postgres User Creation
CREATE USER bracket WITH PASSWORD 'any_safe_password';
  1. Allow this new user to connect to the database
Postgres Connection Access
GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE database_name TO bracket;
  1. Allow Usage on the schema (typically ‘public’)
Postgres Connection Access
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA schema_name TO bracket;
  1. Allow read access on a specific table
Postgres Connection Access
GRANT SELECT ON table_name TO bracket;